Ad Format
Upscale Digital operates in Native Advertising field and in order to comply with OpebRTB Native ad standarts, our ads consist from following information:
- Landing URL
- Display URL (end URL)
- IAB category
- Title, up to 60 symbols
- Description, up to 150 symbols
- 1 image with size over 800x600
- Call to Action text, up to 15 symbols
- Sponsored by text, up to 15 symbols
- Language
Depending on placement requirements all of the above data can be shown on publisher site or only part of it. Image will be automatically adapted to exact size/ratio required by SSP and served from closest CDN server. You creative will be adapted to 3 following native ad types:
Native Content Recommendation Ads
Also known as: "Content Discovery Ads", "Sponsored Content Ads", "Content Recommendation Widgets"

Content Recommendation Ads are a type of native ad (article, video, product or web page) that are displayed alongside other editorial content, ads, and/or paid content. Content Recommendation Ads are typically found below or alongside publisher content, such as an article or in a feed. When a consumer clicks on the Content Recommendation Ad, s/he will always be redirected either to an external page/URL or to another of the source publisher’s URLs.

In-Content Native Ads are ads placed primarily on article pages, in between paragraphs of content or below the article, and are designed in such a way that they mimic the design and aesthetics of the surrounding editorial content experience.

In-Feed Native Ads are placed in article and content feeds and mimic the surrounding site design and aesthetics. As consumers scroll the listing of article summaries, editorial is mixed with native ad units providing an uninterrupted flow.
Find out more about Native Ads and all existing formats in "IAB Native Advertising Playbook"